Weekly, she home schools her daughter, teaches art classes to kids, hosts a journaling group for women and creates her own art in this space.

Obviously, this space is full. She has to have a vast assortment of supplies on hand for her art, and her students, who range from beginners to advanced artists.

She calls it chaotic, but I was impressed with how organized it is.

Did I mention that she also teaches adult classes? She teaches painting and bookmaking. She's also designing her second watercolor session for a men's only class.

There's art paper everywhere!

Spirituality and nature are infused into her work.

This piece was inspired by the documentary, "Who Does She Think She Is?" Maribeth encourages all of her students to watch it.

She loves painting mandalas.

Maribeth participates in about four art shows a year. These are some of her best selling photographs.
Journals are one of her signature items. The inside pages are a combination of art paper, pockets and sometimes inspirational quotes and journaling cues.
Isn't this a great idea? Sometimes Maribeth strings ideas or mantras to her journals to be used as page markers.
She paints these journals with a handmade glue and paint combination (she calls it "goop"). Then she can sprinkle glitter and other embellishments in it while it dries.

And she even paints her jewelry tags.

...and discovered that it was a wonderful way for her to paint natural images.
Here's another fun technique. Maribeth takes inch cut outs from her paintings and photographs to create inspirational collages.
She is an avid journaler and artist trading card maker.This ATC is from a journal page. One of her personal goals is to create an ATC a day in 2011.
She and her daughter will be collaborating on designing her website.
And she is partnering with a local retreat and yoga center to teach and create on site.
If you are interested in seeing Maribeth's art or joining her mailing list to learn of upcoming shows and classes, email her at mmghh@charter.net.
Thanks Maribeth!
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