Thursday, October 13, 2011

Food Truck Friday - that's tomorrow friends!


The last Food Truck Friday for this season is tomorrow! Tower Grove Park, closer to Kingshighway than Grand, although I recommend driving into the park on Tower Grove and then parking as close as you can get. You have to search a wee bit for vegetarian options, but they're there and they're delish! DE.LISH. {I highly recommend Cha Cha Chow's curried sweet potato taco.}

Do the Groark Blanks recommend Food Truck Friday?
(That's yes! We do!)

Other city news: Peridot is closing its doors this Saturday. Mia is moving to Florida with her family to follow a great opportunity for her partner. Bittersweet. But the store will be open until Saturday - I was there today and there is still lots of homemade goodness, artwork, gift ideas... Happy Weekend! xo

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