Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Coincidence and rambling...

Do you believe in coincidence? Here are two that have happened to me this very week:

1. The above photo is of an ephemera journal that I need to finish for my last show (this Thursday - details below). I love this cover and I've been thinking that I should keep it (but I often think that). It's far more simple and plain than my "usual." Well, I cannot find the back cover anywhere. I'm thinking that I will find it first thing Friday morning, and since I'll have no other shows, it will be my next personal journal - so I can't find it to finish it and might not be able to sell it when I love it - coincidence?

2. True story (you may not believe this one). I was talking to someone yesterday about perspective and our children - how some things feel very very big, but in the grand scheme of life, they are nothing. But in the moment, we have to honor the big while being the safe place that teaches about the nothing part too - gently. Anyways, in our talking I said, "It's like when (name) didn't like me in 5th grade. All the girls loved him and he never ever ever liked me back..." It felt very big way back then (his name was for sure on my notebook for goodness sakes) but you know, whatev. So I also said, "How funny that I can't even remember his last name when we all were so crazy about him (blah blah blah)." I go to my Facebook page last night and there he is - recommended to me as a possible friend - sitting there in a suit and tie with his last name right there! Oh yeah!!!! That was his last name. So I haven't seen him or possibly thought about him in 25+ years - is this a coincidence?

That's all - only two. Although some people believe things happen in threes, so if something else happens I'll let you know.

My last show of the season is this Thursday (tomorrow) at the Contemporary Art Museum, 6 to 9 p.m. Free admission, free drink ticket if you bring canned goods to donate to Food Outreach, 30 etsy vendors from Missouri and a pizza Food Truck outside. It's going to be good! xo

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