Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thinking of the lofty variety...

Like so many, I am evaluating my year quite a bit and making some goals for 2012. I'm not a big resolution person (I am a huge resolution quitter), but I do like to make lists and goals and lists and goals and then a list or two about my lists of goals. 
This year I've thought so much about my place in the creative world. Should I be "out there" trying to get into shows and meeting people, trying to network? Should I be trying to just sell my product, open to wholesaling, visiting independently-owned shops? Should I be nestled at home since I very clearly have not come even close to defining myself as a creative? Hmmmm...
I know that I need to get back to the "try it" stage of making things. I want to learn how to use paper clay, and sculpey. I definitely want to try paper cutting. I would love to design a poster. I'm also completely infatuated with doll-making. Obscure, people-would-say, "You call that a doll?" making. My kids will still wear clothes that I freezer paper stencil for them, and it is so. much. fun. Need to definitely do more of that. I will paint.
I'm extremely interested in printmaking, but I don't think 2012 will find me doing it. It also won't find me in a much-needed photography class or taking sewing - both things would be good, but alas, hours are limited. I want to write more - don't know exactly what I mean by this, but when it happens, I'll recognize it. I also want to journal - I make 'em, and I make samples of how to use them, but my own journals are collecting dust. Not in 2012.

Are you making creative goals for your life these days? xo

Note: ceramic heart made by the uber talented ceramic artist, Jo Hart. When she has an online presence, I will post it here immediately. The bowls were lovely treasures I found with a friend at an art fair in Easton, Connecticut years ago.

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