Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

We welcomed in the new year at our favorite cabin in the woods, where there is always a fire. Always. The rule seems to be, "Do whatever you want, as long as you're close to the fire..." And everyone is happy. We had dreamy warm weather (my kids dunked in the river - couldn't believe it) and by far the highlight was finding a dead beaver on the rock bank. Joey took a pliers from his Swiss Army knife and pulled out the beaver's front tooth - it looked like it was about a half inch long, but when he pulled it, it was really about three inches long and almost a full circle in shape. Fascinating (and gross)!

My biggest lesson is that from now on we have to travel with two cameras. I need to start taking photos of our kids taking photos. Especially of nature. Priceless.

Wishing you health and happiness and a bit of time to do what makes you click in 2012. Happy New Year from our family to yours. xo

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