Monday, December 12, 2011

Random Monday (and lotsa link love)

1. I'm sorry I can't figure out how to show it here, but please check out our favorite Advent calendar ever. This fun (hilarious) site gets my kids to jump out of bed in the morning - glorious!

2. It's possible that I had three cups of coffee and a spoonful of Nutella for breakfast this morning.

3. If you are a mom, please take three minutes to watch this: it is affirming, and cleansing and beautiful.

4. I'm jumping on the tie-yarn-around-a-wreath-form bandwagon and I can't wait. These wreaths are all over the internet, but here's a tutorial, and here's another. This is how far I am right now (below) - but stay tuned!
5. We have not put up one holiday decoration yet. Both boys have projects due this week (by Wednesday though) and it would have been too tempting to ignore the work in favor of decorating. Again, stay tuned!

6. We will make these this year. I'm always about three years behind on projects that sweep the internet it seems. I can't wait to see what my kids come up with.

7. My 40 percent off journal sale is this week - until Thursday! (had to throw that in)

8. Holy knitted bells Batman! I haven't planned for these, but oh how I would love to fit time in to make them.

9. One more day to buy-one-get-one-free on Heather's Whole Foods class.

10. Even though I have nothing to show for it here, I am feeling an out-of-character optimism and calm-ness about this holiday season. Hope you are too!

Happy Monday! xo

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