Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kids, like beans...

 ...will continue to grow, even if you neglect them.
 Ok, I'm exaggerating a tad, but while I'm worlds better, I'm not all better over here.
My family and my garden are paying the price. And without being too much of a drama queen, I just need to tell you that I have to be away from blogging for a bit longer. If I made blogging a priority right now, with our summer starting the way it is, it would be the wrong choice. A bad choice actually.
So I'm off for a bit. Sorry for the unexpected hiatus - I'll be back here as soon as possible. Rejuvenated. Healed. And happy (always) to be blogging. xo

P.S. That last pic is our very new and already neglected peach tree...the lawn actually looks pretty there, huh? Trust's an illusion. ;)

1 comment:

run_dork said...

hey corinne...I love reading this and seeing your updates...hope all is well and you are planning to reschedule your trip to Austin :)...we'd love to see you...I also saw this from a friend at church and thought of you:

KidKnits is a social enterprise, creating a market for yarn hand made by widows in Rwanda. We pay fair trade living wage. Through the sale of KidKnits craft kits, youth in America have the opportunity to learn how they can...