Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

We copied them from Amy and Alfredo, who saw them on Danyelle's blog. Kyle's a bit older, so he designed his own. He drew the jar and wrote his message and then I photocopied his valentine on kraft cardstock. 
He cut out the jars and added his classmates' names in red. Then we worked together to tie the bugs to the jars. This was harder than I thought it would be, but since there were only 15, it was manageable. He picked out a different color embroidery floss for each friend - sweeter than sweet. See that roach down there? So gross, and it was carefully selected for Kyle's best friend, who he assured me would use it, "for jokes for years and years..."
A perfect handwork activity for an almost-eight-year-old. He was very proud of them which is so wonderful to see. 
Joey woke up early to bake banana bread for his class. Again, sweeter than sweet. Faith didn't want to do anything specific for Valentines day although it's spirit week at her school so she's doing all kinds of fun extras all week. And for our middle school daughter to not be too focused on this holiday of love? Fine by me. Fine by David. Fine, just fine. (wink wink)

Hope you have a lovely day! xo

1 comment:

Shannah said...

These are soooooo neat. I am doing this with my little guy next year! Awesome job Kyle! Thanks for sharing.