Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Second post of the year (or, the art of selling a house)

I am not ready for my first post of the year - I've set the stage to make my goals, think about all things external and internal to work on, fill out my new calendar (still on paper, told you I was a dinosaur), but I just haven't done it yet. So let's call this my second post of the year.

So my biggest goal for this blog is that it be a record of my creative stretching - that sums it up really. But I'm also going to write about our family's decision to downsize. We're going to try to sell our house, which is lovely and historic and big (to us) in a real estate market that is stagnant. So while my stretching will hopefully include etsy, collage, journaling, etc., I also will need to write about painting unfinished spaces in our house (like we did tonight), craigslist, trying to stage a big house knowing we're trying to downsize and be less wasteful. And we're moving to a smaller house, so how hypocritical is that? Buying more to sell big, and then having too much to move little.... hmmmmm....confusing....

And my wonderings...I will try not to ramble, but I love love love to ramble. Take tonight for instance. Tonight, we painted all these little spaces in every room that needed to be painted or touched up. It took a few hours, but we did it together and quite honestly, it was a pleasure to do it and get it done. WHY oh why do we do this when we sell a house and not a second before? We like to nest, we want our kids to be proud of their home, there's no self-esteem issues secretly manifesting themselves in unfinished paint jobs. Sigh. It's a fact of life for us (we're selling our 4th home in 12 years...the above paragraph has been true in all four homes). And that needs to change. (And there's a wondering...and, a rambling!)

Creative goals and home goals, with some wonderings - and hopefully plenty of creative goodness overlapping between the three. And Everyday. Art. Even if sometimes calling it "art" is a stretch in and of itself.

I'll post goals tomorrow - in my first post of the year...hee hee. Be well. Stay warm! xo

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